Don't let Daisy fool you. She can open a big can of whoop-ass on you before you even know it!
Daisy leaps into the air and strikes down with her fist, injuring the unfortunate victim.
Daisy hops onto a Warp Star and rides it right into your path.
Daisy picks a flower and shields herself with it.
Toad is a Class A curser. He will, and can, cheese you to death with his talent.
Attacks: Cursing Confusion (B+X)
Toad curses as much as he can, confusing the enemy and giving Toad a chance to dash in and uppercut them.
Shoot (B)
Toad shoots at enemies with his gun-arm.
Defences: None yet.
Weaknesses: None yet.
Toadette is one of the most powerful characters in the game. Her Buster Blade allows her this reputation.
Attacks: Japanese Song (Z+B)
Toadette sings a song in Japanese that disrupts the enemy, allowing her to attack.
Faint Attack (X)
Toadette does a combo of stabbing and kicking in this massive event.
Defences: None yet.
Weaknesses: Toadette can't last very long in combat without her blade. Use the up button
on your Control Pad to knock it out of her hand.
-Toadette is a horrible jumper. Use this to your advantage.
Sonic is the fastest character in the game (no surprise). I hail everyone who doesn't get thrown off the cliff
with him! =D
Attacks: Speed Tornado (B+X)
Sonic spins a tornado with his speed and it blows anybody stupid enough to get caught in it.
Defences: Speed Jump (A+A)
Sonic jumps up in the air, dusting your opponent's ass. Sorry if you are the opponent.
Weaknesses: Sonic is a terrible swimmer. Use this to your advantage during Stage Fill.
-He is extremely hard to master. ^_^
Tails is the strongest character in the game. He can kick ass. XD Really.
Attacks: Whirlwhind (X+X)
Tails flies in a circle, leaving a spinning cyclone behind.
Atomic Punch (B+Y)
All he basically does is charge up a punch with enormous power and release it. ^^
Defenses: Puppy Eyes (L+R)
Tails makes an extremely irresistible face. It protects him for one turn only! <3
Weaknesses: He's extremely light, so he is never able to make it back to the field if thrown
really far.